Leadership Assessments

How do you rate your leadership? More importantly how do others rate your leadership? Good leaders produce good followers. Excellent leaders reproduce excellent leaders. Life2Life Consulting focuses on reproducing leaders.

For you to know how well you are doing as a reproductive leader, you must have an objective matrix. Life2Life provides individuals and organization an assessment to provide a benchmark for improving as a leader.

Your preferred leadership style works great when those under your influence need that style. However, less than 5% of leaders effectively lead by providing what is needed when it is needed. Leaders who develop leaders who, in turn, develop leaders have added the skill of knowing and providing the necessary type of leadership.

Exit interviews reveal voluntary attrition is most frequently associated with ineffective leadership. Over the past 25 years our consultants have trained thousands of leaders to understand and meet the needs of individuals. The results? Increased productivity, better teams, higher morale, higher retention, healthier work environment.

We also offer an assessment that identifies your strengths and coaches you how to engage them. Whether you work alone or as a member of a large team, functioning in your strengths brings you greater fulfillment. You also achieve higher results.

Contact us today to talk about investing in your team. You will see a difference. You will find leaders developing leaders.